
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Credit Report: How to Improve Your Score in Alberta

Your credit report is one of the most important tools in your financial toolkit. It provides a snapshot of your credit history, which lenders use to determine your creditworthiness. Understanding what’s included in your credit report and how to use it effectively is essential for maintaining a healthy financial life, especially when it comes to […]

Blog 2: Credit Score: What It Is And How To Improve It

You might have heard the term “credit score” through movies, tv programs and more importantly through your bank account. But, what is a credit score? Why do I need a good credit score?  4 Pillars is always seeking to educate our audience and promote healthy financial decisions, for that reason we will cover all you […]

How does your credit score fall every time someone checks it

When it comes to credit reports and scores, understandably, there are a lot of misconceptions. One question that is frequently asked by our customers is “Does my credit score fall every time someone checks it?” The short answer is – Yes. The more instances your credit report is called for, the lower your credit score […]

Credit Score Myths you need to break

Over the years, we have helped many clients solve their debt and credit problems. If there is one thing that keeps recurring back to us, it is that customers don’t completely know how the credit report and credit score works. Your credit report is essentially a complete documentation of all your credit transactions, and the […]

How to Reduce your Debt

Being under debt is not a pleasant experience. Your credit score plummets, you’ll find it difficult to take on loans, and it will get worse when a collection agent comes after you. Bottomline – having too much of debt is not good, you want to avoid it, and if you are deep in debt, you […]