Why a Debt Consultation Can Change Your Life

Dealing with debt can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Many people find themselves trapped in a cycle of minimum payments, high interest rates, and increasing balances. However, a debt consultation can be the first step towards reclaiming your financial freedom and securing a stable future. In this article, we’ll explore why a debt consultation […]
Debt-Free Living: Is it a realistic goal?

Living debt-free is a goal that many aspire to but often consider unattainable. With proper guidance and planning, however, achieving debt-free living is within reach. In this article, we’ll explore how debt-free living can be a realistic goal and the steps you can take to reach it. Understanding Debt-Free Living Debt-free living means having no […]
How to Find Reliable Debt Help in Alberta

Managing debt can be a daunting experience, but finding the right help can make all the difference. If you are looking for reliable debt help in Alberta, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will explore various debt solutions available in Alberta and how Alberta debt counselling from 4 Pillars can provide you […]
9 ways to discourage Collectors from calling you without Stressing out
There are some collection agencies that just don’t have any decency. They cross the line of legality and human courtesy. No debtor wants to get calls every hour from a collector agency, but it’s known to happen. It may even have happened to you. However, there are ways to deal with such discourtesy behaviour. 1. […]
How Does The Debt Consolidation Program Through 4Pillars Make Me Debt Free Faster?
Debt consolidation program by the banks require people to have high credit score, low debt servicing ratio and sometimes, a co-signor. This is the best program for debtors to go for. (You can learn about it on another article I’ve written – Why should I settle my outstanding debts with the creditors? (provide link)) However, […]
Why Should I settle My Outstanding Debts With The Creditors?
Many debtors take the decision to avoid dealing with debt. They hide from creditors, avoid taking phone calls from collection agencies, change phone numbers often, switch jobs frequently and may even work for plain hard cash. They assume they can duck and hide from creditors and collection agencies forever. However, in today’s technologically networked world, […]
I have been sued by my creditor. What are my options?
No matter how much effort you put into paying your overdue debts, there will be situations where a creditor can take you to court and have you sued. You want to avoid getting into such a sticky situation, as much as possible. However, sometimes, things take a wrong turn and it happens. A creditor usually […]
Five Tips To Help You Save for a Down Payment
Now that you are done scouting through neighbourhoods, tirelessly checking every potential house and then undertaking in-depth research of the areas, you have finally decided on a house. So, the only thing that remains is to pay for the house. Buying your own house is no cheap matter. To purchase a house, you have to […]
How Do I Know Whether Or Not To Refinance My Mortgage?
Refinancing mortgage is usually something you opt for when you want to go in for a new loan without completely paying off your old one. This is usually done by combining your old and new loans together or completely restructuring them. Questions such as your financial situation and your eligibility for the mortgage should be […]
How do I know if I have too much debt?
In the today’s age, we all live on the means on credit. Credit cards, loans and mortgages are all credit lines. And, it’s not only you that runs a credit line. All the governments of this world run on a deficit budget, where in they spend more money than they have and take many lines […]