
6 Things to know when collection agency comes calling

Nothing can be more annoying than a debt collector calling you continuously and demanding payback. Just because you owe money, that doesn’t mean you give a debt collector a free rein to ride you! Well, a debt collector, unfortunately, will come after you when a creditor sells an bad debt. This decision usually happens because you have defaulted on your payments for the last few months. Though debt collection is still a bit in the grey area of the law, there are some laws that have been enacted.

collection agency comes calling

Debt collectors can be pretty aggressive. Their tactics can range from phoning you when you least expect them, throwing abusive and even threats. Creditor calls can be less stressful once you know that you have an plan in place to resolve the debt situation. This article is to give you an perspective of what right the collection agencies have when dealing with debtors based in Alberta. So that you can be aware of when talking to them.

A Collection agency or Collector must/may

(1Use the name that is shown on their license in all contacts and correspondence related to their collection activities.

(2) Provide you with information about the original creditor and current creditor of the debt and any details of the debt

(3) Contact you at home between 7 Am and 10 PM Alberta time

(4) Contact you at work to discuss your debt unless you specifically ask them no to do, If you do not want to be contacted at work, you must make some specific arrangements to discuss the debt.

(5) Contact your employer on one Occasion to confirm your employment status, business title and the address of the business in preparation or legal proceedings

(6) Must be licensed with the Service Alberta under the Fair Trading act if they are trying to collect from an Alberta based debtor,

Above are some the dos which the creditor agency has to adhere to when dealing with an client in Alberta. You can always file an complaint with Services Alberta if you feel an collection agency is overstepping their boundaries.


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