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Now that you are done scouting through neighbourhoods, tirelessly checking every potential house and then undertaking in-depth research of the areas, you have finally decided…


Refinancing mortgage is usually something you opt for when you want to go in for a new loan without completely paying off your old one….


In the today’s age, we all live on the means on credit. Credit cards, loans and mortgages are all credit lines. And, it’s not only…


It’s when your children hit their teenage years that they start demanding more money. They are slowly moving away from school, spending more on outings…


The more money you have, the more you can save. Saving up on money should be an important priority for any person. Most of us…


Getting a credit card or securing a loan is not easy as one think. Lenders have the option to refuse your loan application. The reasons…


The most important commodity which makes survival possible is money and children should be trained from a young age to be financially sound. You must…


Saving money is an affair which takes time. While saving up, it’s easy to lose track of your objective and eventually, at some point, make…


Keeping a budget is one of the best ways to be financially responsible. But expenses take a big chunk out of any one’s budget. If…


It’s okay for you and your spouse to get into fights. No married couple can avoid it. However, do your fights take an ugly turn…
