How to Find Reliable Debt Help in Alberta

Managing debt can be a daunting experience, but finding the right help can make all the difference. If you are looking for reliable debt help in Alberta, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will explore various debt solutions available in Alberta and how Alberta debt counselling from 4 Pillars can provide you […]
Low Income: Debts and How To Get Out
Debt is everyone’s nightmare, but it can be especially tough if you’re limited by low income. Between student loans, car payments, mortgages and now with Covid-19 reducing thousands of sources of income for families, having a debt feels so much more overwhelming. It can make your world tumble and increase your insecurities about the future. […]
8 questions you should ask yourself before paying that debt
1. Is it an official Collection Agency? Ordinary, you won’t have a thug banging down your door and asking you to pay a debt; that only happens in films. Whoever contacts you from the collection agency should be asked to show some identification and a Collection Agency License. If they don’t have one on them, you can […]
How Does The Debt Consolidation Program Through 4Pillars Make Me Debt Free Faster?
Debt consolidation program by the banks require people to have high credit score, low debt servicing ratio and sometimes, a co-signor. This is the best program for debtors to go for. (You can learn about it on another article I’ve written – Why should I settle my outstanding debts with the creditors? (provide link)) However, […]
Consolidate High Interest Rates Debts Using a Debt Consolidation Loan
A debt consolidation loan is where one of the banks, credit unions or private finance lenders provide an alternative source to pay off your outstanding debts and “consolidate” them (bring them all together) into one big loan. This holds several advantages. Advantages of a Debt Consolidation Loan There is only one payment to worry […]
Better Negotiating Power
Nothing is set in stone and even those offers you see on a bank’s website or brochure can be changed. Lender agencies offer loans and credit cards depending on your financial situation, your needs, your wants and how you negotiate for them. Many banks in Canada have discretionary pricing, depending on a customer’s age, loyalty, […]
5 Top Rated Apps To Manage Your Expenses And Plan Your Budget
Keeping a budget is one of the best ways to be financially responsible. But expenses take a big chunk out of any one’s budget. If you are hoping to cut down on your spending and save up, you have to first be aware of them. Gone are the days where you had to pull out […]
My Marriage is On the Rocks; We’re Always Fighting About Money. Help!
It’s okay for you and your spouse to get into fights. No married couple can avoid it. However, do your fights take an ugly turn (throwing of pillows and pans!) when you’ll start talking about who pays for what? Finance among couples can be a touchy topic which many prefer to avoid. Rather than talk […]
Why is Credit Card Debt is Bad
We may live in a cashless society, but the futuristic concept of a moneyless one is still quite far away. Most of us rely very much on plastic money in the form of credit cards. Credit cards give you a credit line to money which you don’t have. It creates a temporary debt which you […]