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As school children, all of us have read the ‘Ants and the Grasshopper’ story. These ants saved up food for harsh winter while the grasshopper…


No one wants to deal with the tough aspects of life. Sometimes it is better not to think about it, or avoid it all together….


1. Is it an official Collection Agency? Ordinary, you won’t have a thug banging down your door and asking you to pay a debt; that…


There are some collection agencies that just don’t have any decency. They cross the line of legality and human courtesy. No debtor wants to get…


There are only a few things which are worse than getting sucked into a debt hole. The debt piles up, you don’t just have the…


Debt consolidation program by the banks require people to have high credit score, low debt servicing ratio and sometimes, a co-signor. This is the best…


One of the responsibilities of being a creditor or collection agency is actually recovering the money owed. A collection agency swings into action when the…


Many debtors take the decision to avoid dealing with debt. They hide from creditors, avoid taking phone calls from collection agencies, change phone numbers often,…


No matter how much effort you put into paying your overdue debts, there will be situations where a creditor can take you to court and…


A debt consolidation loan is where one of the banks, credit unions or private finance lenders provide an alternative source to pay off your outstanding…
