
Taxing Tax Debt

Tax. It’s everywhere, and you can’t do anything to get away from it. Like the saying goes, there are only 2 sure things in life: death and taxes. For one family, their sure things in life were DEBT and taxes. A Happy, Tax-Free Family Eric and Andrea* (names changed) were a happy, typical family. Their […]

Education in Debt Reduction

Do you feel weighed down by the choices your younger self made? Education, travel, marriage, home, car…you know, life. Everyone’s life turns out a little differently, despite your best intentions, and our next clients are no exception. Looks can be deceiving: even when everything seems okay, that may not be the case. Dwayne and Sophie* […]

Accident Causes Debt

Have you ever experienced money stress? The daily fear that your debit card won’t work at the gas station, or the cheque to the daycare won’t clear? Do you lay awake wondering what you would be doing if you didn’t have this stress hanging over you, if you didn’t HAVE to go to work every […]

Make your financial goals for 2016

New Year’s is not just the time for freshness, newness and resolutions, it is also THE best time to review your financial situation and set your financial goals for 2016. Sure there are tons of articles on financial goals, but here’s a fact – everyone has a different situation – hence you’re better off making […]

Debt Collectors: Dos and Don’ts

How do you know your debt situation is bad? A debt collector is after you. A debt collector is sent when the debtor frequently misses monthly payments and fails to get in touch with the lender agency. The lender agency has a collector agent collect the money. Often a debt collector indulges in aggressive and […]

Get off Debt

There are tons of people who reach that level where is enough, is enough, and they just can’t deal with their debt. As much as they wished, the debt problem doesn’t really go away. It keeps coming back and each time it comes back more frequently. It definitely keeps getting worse from letter to calls […]

How to Reduce your Debt

Being under debt is not a pleasant experience. Your credit score plummets, you’ll find it difficult to take on loans, and it will get worse when a collection agent comes after you. Bottomline – having too much of debt is not good, you want to avoid it, and if you are deep in debt, you […]

8 questions you should ask yourself before paying that debt

1.      Is it an official Collection Agency? Ordinary, you won’t have a thug banging down your door and asking you to pay a debt; that only happens in films. Whoever contacts you from the collection agency should be asked to show some identification and a Collection Agency License. If they don’t have one on them, you can […]

How to manage your credit cards and not be managed by them

Without plastic money, it’s difficult to get through the day. Today, most payments call for the use of credit cards. In turn, you have to pay back the money monthly with interest. If not managed well, credit card usage can make you over-spend money which you don’t have and result in debts which will piggyback […]

Why is Credit Card Debt is Bad

We may live in a cashless society, but the futuristic concept of a moneyless one is still quite far away. Most of us rely very much on plastic money in the form of credit cards. Credit cards give you a credit line to money which you don’t have. It creates a temporary debt which you […]