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The average Canadian household debt is over $50,000. For many people, having debt is a frustrating experience that never seems to go away no matter…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

Being under debt is not a pleasant experience. Your credit score plummets, you’ll find it difficult to take on loans, and it will get worse…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

When you approach a debt counselor, you want to know that this person can help you. You’re spending time and money, and these are vital…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

The most basic form of credit is not your student, car or home loan, it is credit card credit. It can be difficult to live…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

Debt counseling is just a way to get assistance to tackle debt problems. However, many either haven’t heard of it, or shy away it, or…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

The ostrich syndrome is a reality a lot of people face and it is especially seen when dealing with one’s financial situation. Just ask yourself,…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

One of the foremost questions asked by any person who is considering filing for bankruptcy is – “What can I keep? What is exempted?” While…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

The easiest way to earn money without breaking a sweat is to invest it. When it comes to investing, the one norm followed is invest…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

When you are in serious debt and considering filing for bankruptcy, it can be worrisome if your bankruptcy will affect your spouse. The good news…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates

The numbers never add up after a divorce. Existing becomes more expensive even though you are living alone and what’s worse is that while you’re…

4 Pillars Financial Wellness Advocates